If you are holding something cold you will feel cold.
In the natural world, limiting factors like the availability of food, water, shelter and space can change animal and plant populations. Other limiting factors, like competition for resources, predation and disease can also impact populations.
The cell will shrink
In an hypotonic solution, water moves into the cell through the process of osmosis. This shall be due to the high concentration of water in the hypotonic solution than that in the cytoplasm.
Due to this movement, the cell bulges out.
If the cell is transferred to a hypertonic solution, water shall move out of the cell thereby making the cell shrink. This is because water concentration in the cytoplasm shall be higher than that in the hypertonic solution.
Effect to the survey shall be an experience of the exact opposite of the previous immersion.
The difference of how you feed a mouse like how much it eats each and every hour