You can go Klondike only by the Yukon River, you can choose
upstream from its delta, downstream from its head, or from somewhere in the
middle through its tributaries. While it’s difficult to get to California;
forty-niners faced hardship and often death on the way. At first, most
Argonauts, as they were also known, travelled by sea. In the East Coast, they
sail around the tip of South America would take five to eight months and cover
some 33,000 kilometres and another way was to sail to the Atlantic side of the
Isthmus of Panama, take canoes and mules for a week through the jungle, and
then on the Pacific side, wait for a ship sailing for San Francisco. There was
also a way across Mexico it begins at Veracruz.
The revolution grew more violent mainly because radicals reacted to the National Assembly falling apart.
Sorry I didn’t understand that cuestión can you specify
coz théy are don't know where toilet or like animal
It doesn't really matter what the public thinks because people have different views on things so can't take an opinion without analysing the situation based on someone else's opinion.