They studied medication and zoology. Lewis asked Clark to come with him
So they could prepare to get ready
King’s dream of economic equality has been harder to achieve. Why? For one, he demanded that Americans restructure capitalism, both at home and abroad. But he also challenged a core part of the American Dream: the false assumption that those who work hard can move upward. King rejected the bootstrap myth, because he understood that many people, notably those of color, didn’t even have boots.
We usually associate bullies with being big, strong people, so the authors use of the word “muscle” helps picture the image of Bull Connor as a bully.
The main focus of the
labor unions that formed during the Second Industrial Revolution was to
safeguard and protect the common benefits of the worker class and to present
their interests in an organized manner. In the industrial sector for example
the organized labor unions stood for the better salary to the workers, reasonable
time span of work and also for a safe and healthy environment to work with.
The Stamp Act impacted more people in the colonies and hurt the people economically whereas the Sugar Act was not hurting business in the colonies. Merchants in New England were actually able to make more money off of the act.
The Sugar Act place a tax on sugar and molasses as well as attempting to end the smuggling trade taking place with the Dutch and French. Though these products were more expensive it actually helped many merchants make more money without the competition of other countries.
The Stamp Act required a tax on all government stamps. The stamps were necessary for all contracts and official government documents. Those involved in trade needed more stamps than others and therefore greatly protested the added tax. The Stamp Act was so protested that violence was used against the stamp collectors and led to the act being repealed a year after passage.