If by South Africa you are referring to the Republic of South Africa, then their transition to Democracy was a bit rocky. It was a part of the British empire before they gained their independence as a free republic. This free republic however was not a democratic one due to things like apartheid rules where a minority of rich people who were mostly white controlled the government at the expense of the local African majority. As the fight for democracy continued many things started coming up like huge unemployment and infringement of human rights. Apartheid ended and currently the country is a democracy with suffrage, but there is evidence of high corruption among the government employees and the administration. Expand those ideas into an entire essay.
Factories located near bodies of water because it allowed them to be powered by the water. Factory work was very important for people, as many of them moved near the factories. As more and more people came, the cities urbanized.
But "Uncle Tom," is the most enduring fictional slave. He's the title character in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," the novel written by abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852. The bestseller was meant to rally the moral sentiments of whites against the horrors of slavery, and it succeeded.