The first thing to do is activate
EMS. Use cool or cold water to cool the burn for 10 minutes as soon as
possible. ( Do not use ice or frozen compress.) Early cooling will minimize the
depth of injury and decrease pain. Remove jewelry near the affected area. Cover
the injury with dry, clean pad loosely
to protect it. Do not give food or drink to injured person. Keep him comfortable
until EMS arrives and takes over.
Spontaneous generation was a (refuted) theory that some forms of life can arise from inorganic matter.
Louis Pasteur refuted it in a series of experiments, in which he boiled different matter (grape juice, broth) which would kill all the bacteria and let it stay for a long time to see if it would develop life (he also had a control condition in which he let the boiled liquid interact with the outside words, and those would develop bacterial life).
Polygenic traits are quantitative because their phenotype expression depends on several different alleles found on different chromosomes.
When a biologist counts the number of zebras in a population each year and notices an increase in the zebra population, this would be an example "of <span>observation"</span>
Hi how are you doing today Jasmine