x or y because both can cause it
The cell must be lysed (broken open) to release the nucleus. the nucleus (if present) must also be open to release the DNA. at that point the DNA must be protected from enzymes that will degrade it, causing shearing. [[ once the DNA is released, it must then be precipitated in alcohol...]
She must have the resessive trait on both of her chromosomes. Withought them being on both she would be a carrier.
Pleomorphism (microbiology): the ability of some bacteria to alter their shape or size in response to environmental conditions. Dedifferentiated liposarcoma is the least common subtype of liposarcoma and usually arises from a well-differentiated liposarcoma (WDLPS). Progression occurs. in 17 % of patients when WDLPS is located in the retroperitoneum and 6% of cases when WDLPS is located in the extremities.