The correct answer here is the first answer.
Greek term "koinai ennoiai" means common sense, with the word "common" meaning "in common" that is "shared". That is why Locke uses it to describe the ideas that are shared by all people, as they are common to us all, regardless of birth and position.
Explanation: Line:
Distance between 2 points.
2D, flat object. Has length and width. Can be either geometric or organic.
A 3D object. Has length, width and depth. Color:
Reflected light off of an object.
Shading; lights and darks. Helps create the illusion of 3D. Space: T
he illusion of depth. There are 3 ways to show space: 1) Overlapping; 2) Sizing and Placement; 3) Detail and Color. Texture:
Surface quality; how something feels or looks like it feels.
Answer would be A because poetry is not often written quickly, it all depends on the process of the writer which cancels C out. Modern poetry can't be reproduced easily because again that is more of a personal statement regarding the writer which cancels D, and no all poetry is repetitive since there are different types of poetry which cancels B and you get left with A which does makes more sense knowing the main purpose of a poem is to transfer a meaning.
something thats singular or plural
Ignominy is a state of dishonor, disgrace or shame.
It can mean the loss of one's reputation or caught doing a disgraceful act.