The answers are:
1. diction --> author's choice of words, particularly for clarity, effectiveness, and precision
2. tone --> an attitude the author takes toward his or her subject, characters, and readers
3. connotative meaning --> the emotion or association that a word or phrase may arouse
4. denotative meaning --> the literal or "dictionary" definition of a word.
In other words:
Diction is the choice of words with the purpose of being correct and clear.
Tone is how the author approaches a topic, their attitude toward the topic.
Connotative meaning is a social, cultural, or emotional association made to the word.
Denotative meaning is the "real" meaning of a word. It's the meaning we find when we look up the word on a dictionary.
A watchdog is used often used for monitoring and reporting in day to day life. More importantly, often in the context of monitoring and reporting illegal activities. Gatekeeping is more about keeping people out, which the media had no power in. They similarly aren't a business nor do they have the power to set an agenda.
B. personification
The annex can't literally "hold" secrets