First thing to do, when you have to add 2 fractions, you have to make both denominators equal. 14/6 = 0.84, so can't multiply or divide any fraction by a whole number to get the other denominator.
So, you multiply each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction. Which means that you multiply 5/14 by the denominator of 1/6 which is 6, and you multiply 1/6 by the denominator of 5/14 which is 14.
5/14 + 1/6 = 30/84 + 14/84
Then you join both fractions to make them under one denominator, since both denominators are equal.
30/84 + 14/84 = (30+14)/84 = 44/84.
Now, you need to simplify the fraction: you divide both numerator and denominator by 4:
44/84 = 11/21
So 5/14 + 1/6 = 11/21
Hope this Helps! :)
Step-by-step explanation:
Because it is a square table, that means all the sides are even. And to find the area, we do Height * Base. But again, because they're even, we would just need to find 2 numbers that multiply to be 400. And that number, is 20. 20 * 20 = 400. So the length of one side is 20.
He has earned $31.25 for his basketball team.
Step-by-step explanation:
25 * 1.25 = 31.25
d. H0:
Step-by-step explanation:
A hypothesis is defined as "a speculation or theory based on insufficient evidence that lends itself to further testing and experimentation. With further testing, a hypothesis can usually be proven true or false".
The null hypothesis is defined as "a hypothesis that says there is no statistical significance between the two variables in the hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that the researcher is trying to disprove".
The alternative hypothesis is "just the inverse, or opposite, of the null hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that researcher is trying to prove".
On this case the Management try to determine if there is a difference in the average investment/quad between using electricity and using gas. So this needs to be on the alternative hypothesis. And the complement of the alternative hypothesis would be on the null hypothesis.
Null hypothesis :
Alternative hypothesis:
Or equivalently:
Null hypothesis :
Alternative hypothesis:
Other important thing is that on the alternative hypothesis we never can have the symbol equal.
So on this case the best options is:
d. H0:
Answer: pretty sure it’s because the left and bottom sides add up to equal the top side
Step-by-step explanation: