This probably means that the choice is yours. Your the author of the script of your life because you get to write your own story and make your own choices. Your the captain of your ship for the same thing. You sail wherever you want to lead your life too/

Because the ladder was in flat position not in slant.

i think its means that because we live in a democracy we as the people have the power to abolish or create
C Jim doesn’t face consequences and never reforms
This is shown throughout the whole story. The author describes bad events that usually happen to the other boys or they reform after realizing they were wrong, but then the author goes on to explain how that’s not the case for this story.
Misspelled is the word in the English language that is always spelled incorrectly.
There are English words that may sometimes be spelt incorrectly based on its pronunciation. But, whenever we see the incorrectly spelled word, we always say that the word is misspelled.
Misspell is a combination of two words. Mis and spell. Mis is a prefix applied to various parts of speech, meaning ill or wrong or incorrect or simply negating.
Spell is a verb used with object which means to name, write, or give the letter in order.
With these definitions, misspell is the incorrect or wrong writing of the name or order of letters in a word.