Drought in the Sahel in the 1970s and 1980s made it look like the desert was expanding, because the reduction of rainfall at the desert margin (the Sahel) caused a reduction in vegetation. Warm, moist air rises near the equator, then cools and condenses its moisture, which falls as rain or snow
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Explanation: validity shows an indication of how sound your research is. Specification speaking , it applies to both the design and the methods of your research. When considering data collection validity means that your findings truly represent the situation you are claiming to measure.
Based o n the above situation, the stage of the Maslows selfawareness model is the conscious competence. The individual comprehends or knows how to accomplish something. Be that as it may, exhibiting the aptitude or learning requires fixation. It might be separated into steps, and there is substantial cognizant inclusion in executing the new aptitude.