An upside down legless half headed stickman?
An arrow pointing at a half a circle?
EXPLANATION: In coal fired power plants, the water is heated by burning coals. The heat produced in this process will convert water into steam. The steam is allowed to rotate the turbine
Many Cubans were willing to support Fidel Castro and his Communist regime to displace the Batista regime, as the Batista regime was extremely unpopular due to it stating that it followed Democracy, all the while showing symptoms of totalitarism, leading to the eventual overthrow by the widely popular Castro, who promised change (which occurred as the Communist Regime, which also soon fell into unpopularity).
Oh jeez, i dunno man-
but, what im thinking is that the satanists 'n stuff might win, due to the fact that they pretty much have every form of evil on their side ig
hecc im still not too sure tho
Here is what I got:
Women: cannot get an education, not as many rights as men
Children: some went to schools (richer kids), while most helped out their family
Indentured Servants: had to work for a long period of time for their master to pay off their debt of their master paying for their passage to the new nation
Slaves: Were treated like property such as coffee mugs, had close to no rights, had to obey their master
Native Americans: some tried to make peace with the newcomers, but most natives got their land taken away
Working Class: Had okay lives, they could not participate in government, had more rights than indentured servants or slaves
Hopefully my answers helped you!