20- the commencement of Presidential Term and Succession
21- the repeal of the 18th amendment
22- Two-Term Limitation on President
23- District of Columbia Presidential Vote
24-Poll Tax Requirement in Federal Elections
25-Presidential Vacancy, Disability and Inability
26- being able to vote at 18
27-Congressional Compensation
Sparta was a military based society. They believed that discipline kept everyone in line and allowed for a zero tolerance society. The emphasis placed on discipline and specific training was vital to Spartan military might. Unlike the soldiers of other Greek states, who had usually received only a taste of military training, the Spartans were raised with it. Every man knew his place and knew the importance of holding it. Young boys started training from the age of 7 years old. And yes halo spartans are based off the real ones. :)
Expressed powers are powers that are directly expressed in the Constitition