American is made up of being a democracy, what makes our country so great is that the people have a voice. Voting gives the people the voice instead of higher powers choosing who runs our country, the people who make up our country get to choose and vote for who they think would continue to make our country great. (Not a Trump reference)
Explanation:I think it is becuase japan thuoght the US was a enemy and they were exporting goods at pearl harbour to their
The correct answer is:
The decision by Congress in 1873 to stop buying and minting silver.
The Coinage Act of 1873, signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant, was a general reform of the laws associated with the Mint of the United States.
The act was later criticized by advocates of bimetallism as the "Crime of '73" because it ended bimetallism in the United States, by setting the nation on the gold standard.
The Great Leap Forward, intended to be a five-year effort, was halted in 1960 after three brutal years. The initiative is said to have cost an estimated 20 to 48 million lives as a result of catastrophic economic policy, compounded by adverse weather conditions including a flood that killed 2 million people and the subsequent crop failures that led to starvation. In addition to the fatalities, the Great Leap Forward had negative environmental impacts as communes were encouraged to set up "backyard" production plants for needed supplies such as steel, timber and cement. In 1960, an extensive drought further added to the country's troubles.
One way the cold war effected berin was that it was seperated into two part one was control by the ussr (now russia today) and the other was contrroled by america, and was sepereated by a wall known as the iron curtain.