In American history, salutary neglect is the 17th and 18th century British Crown policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws meant to keep British colonies obedient to England.
The correct answer is a system for orderly settlement of the west. The US government under the Articles of Confederation had its greatest success in a system for orderly settlement of the west. The Articles of Confederation were the written document to finally declare their independence from Great Britain.
HISTORY and LA: Journal: A Day in the Life of a Métis Teen
The name of the metis is Isabella. She is a girl who’s age is 16. She lives in the vast territory of Rupert's land (long before the Hudson’s Bay company took over the land and sold it to Canada in 1869. She is a little bit humorous and enjoys nature so much! Isabella loves learning more and more information, arts etc. She also is an Introvert who likes her own space more. And is interested to communicate with herself by writing her thoughts in a book. More like talking with the book.
Journal Entry:
We, who live in the west, were Nomadic. So we always moved from place to place to hunt buffalo and other fur-bearing animals. And now again we have to shift everything we collected , like, all the essential needs we collected. It’s really hard to shift stuff, But when you move to a new place you get to see new beautiful places. They are just so satisfying to see! It’s like all my work(like the shifting work) is paid off. I love it! We always meet the Hudson’s bay company employees, and give them furs which we took from the bissons and other furry animals we hunted. And in exchange they give us their (Hudson’s Bay company) goods. Which is good! Because then we or I won't be able to enjoy that delicious pemmican!
The one reason that makes me proud of my parents is that because of them I am like a translator for both sides in the fur trade! Anyways coming back to the present. As I said before, we were moving today to another place, But on the way some people along with my father will ride the famous York boats carrying supplies to fur posts. I begged my father to take me with him! And as usual he gave me some silly reason for me to stay. And now since I don’t have anything to do I will-..Nevermind, My mom’s calling me. Okay after helping my mom keep the fur posts into the York boats me , my mom, and the others are just relaxing and enjoying nature just to take a break. Since, I am so obsessed with my Journal notebook today I’m just going to sit here and right what comes to my mind. I’m not like the others who always seem to be talking with someone. I like my own space!
I kind of miss my dad already, but he and his fellow members need to travel the waterways from the red river further west and north to hudson bay. These red river carts also travel the trek back and forth over land to St. Paul, Minnesota and to posts in saskatchewan. Speaking about the red river, the only large settlement in the region is the red colony. About 12000 people lived in this colony around Fort Garry. Some were the original Selkirk settlers or their descendents. They had come from Scotland with lord Selkirk when he established the colony in 1811. Many of these original settlers were poor farmers who had been displaced from their lands in scotland. They had endured many hardships in the early years of settlement, including foods, hunger, and sickness. I love studying about other colonies, cultures , history etc.
D, the first 100 women were sent to Jamestown, Virginia
Nonviolent protests were greeted by violent attacks using high-pressure fire hoses and police dogs throughout the next few months, resulting in some of the most famous and terrifying pictures of the Civil Rights Movement. President John F. Kennedy would later add, "The events in Birmingham... have intensified the appeals for equality to the point where no city, state, or legislative body can responsibly choose to ignore them." It is considered a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement and the "beginning of the end" of a centuries-long struggle for freedom.