Native Americans primarily passed information to the next generation through the use of storytelling. Native Americans would tell stories to their children, who would later pass it down to their children. This passed the culture down from one generation to the next.
Ulysses S Grant played a significant part in guiding the Union army during the Civil War.
Military career of Grant started when he became a colonel of the 21st Illinois Volunteers at the start of the Civil War in April 1861. President Abraham Lincoln later made him a brigadier-general. His first great accomplishment came when his troops caught hold of Fort Donelson in Tennessee in February 1862. he established a reputation as a courageous leader when his forces seized a Confederate foothold, Vicksburg, Mississippi. later he was appointed as lieutenant-general and commanded all U.S. armies. His two most famous battles were the Battle of Chattanooga and the Battle of Shiloh.
cesaerian calendar
named after the great Julius Ceaser
The area around India and the Indian Ocean.