Cold War tactics
For a brief period during the 1940s and early 1950s the term psychological warfare and political warfare were openly used by propaganda specialist and politicians alike. Increasingly they turned propaganda more palatable to domestic audiences. During the Cold War common phrases as included the war of ideas battle for hearts and minds struggle for the minds and wills of men. Even the term Cold War was used to refer to propaganda techniques and strategies as in cold war tactics. Later the terms communication public diplomacy psychological operations special operations and information warfare became fashionable. Political propaganda and measures to influence the media coverage we're likewise label to Spain and political propagandists or spin doctors or more in the image and bully media consultants an image of visors .
3) Point 5 helps promotes peace by tell people that no one person will have all the power not even the government. Everyone will have equal rights and freedom. If you establish a colony all citizens will have equal rights, there will be no one ruler.
4)Points 6-13 helps promote peace by explaining that all these territories will be secure and free and have access to resources .
5) Point 14 promotes peace by allowing the territories secure access to the sea a-s well a-s their independence guaranteed .
C.They lost their power in New England.
King Philip’s War is considered the bloodiest war per capita in U.S. history. It left several hundred colonists dead and dozens of English settlements destroyed or heavily damaged.
Thousands of Indians were killed, wounded or captured and sold into slavery or indentured servitude. The war decimated the Narragansett, Wampanoag and many smaller tribes and mostly ended Indian resistance in southern New England, paving the way for additional English settlements.
a. The people of Puerto Rico did not have the same rights or tax status as other Americans