Can someone recommend a app or a book for me to learn French & Korean (for Korean I know a book it’s called “talk to me(Kore an? I don’t remember)
2 answers:
Patchim training - JohnKorean
It's the best app I've ever seen to learn korean language... Easy to use and many interesting advantages. If you do a consistent learning with the app, surely you'll get into korean more. Thing is that,you should never give up in the middle... <em>I've </em> <em>been</em> <em> </em> <em>using</em> <em> </em> <em>it</em> <em> </em> <em>since </em> <em>three</em> <em> </em> <em>months</em> <em> </em> <em>and </em> <em>it's </em> <em>rea</em> <em>lly</em> <em> amazing</em> <em>.</em> <em>.</em> <em>I'm </em> <em>now</em> <em> </em> <em>ok</em> <em> </em> <em>with</em> <em> </em> <em>most</em> <em> </em> <em>of</em> <em> </em> <em>Korean</em> <em> </em> <em>words</em> <em> </em> <em>and</em> <em> </em> <em>slang</em> <em>.</em> <em> </em> <em>It's </em> <em>taking</em> <em> </em> <em>more</em> <em> </em> <em>time</em> <em> </em> <em>for</em> <em> </em> <em>me</em> <em> </em> <em>as</em> <em> </em> <em>I </em> <em>spend</em> <em> </em> <em>least</em> <em> </em> <em>time</em> <em> </em> <em>everyday</em> <em> </em> <em>as</em> <em> </em> <em>I've </em> <em>many</em> <em> </em> <em>assi</em> <em>gnments</em> <em> </em> <em>daily</em> <em>.</em> <em>.</em> <em>.</em>
<em>All</em> <em> </em> <em>d</em> <em> </em> <em>bst</em>
Talk to me in Korean is a GREAT App I heard lingodeer is good too!
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Time is precious. Some people take time for granted but you never really know how important it is until your lying awake at night worrying and crying that you have no control over the dangers in this world. You think maybe I shouldn't say that or maybe I should try to be kinder to my siblings. Time slips away. You have to saver what you have. Make every moment count.
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<u>Adjectives:</u> a word that describes a noun.
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