How are we supposed to know because your the one who learned it.
Hey :)
The Columbian trade was a significant crossroad in history that caused the expansion of exchange networks all through the world and for silver to be mined in the polosi mines in the Neworld, which caught the eye of China, who used to get their silver from Japan. China before long expected silver to be utilized as their type of money, making the interest for it to develop. The worldwide progression of silver all through the world influenced the financial arrangement of China by convincing unfamiliar exchange to be permitted to acquire silver.
Hope this helps :)
bc carnivals r entertaining.. and fun
Mr. Wolfshiem
The was extracted from The Great Gatsby a Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Nick and Gatsby saw Mr. Wolfshiem
Mr. Wolfshiem decided to leave Nick and Gatsby alone to talk after he (Mr. Wolfshiem) finished his lunch.
Though, Gatsby told him not to be in haste (to leave), Mr. Wolfshiem declined.
What Mr. Wolfshiem meant by being "from a different generation" is that, he was much older that Nick and Gatsby (he later on stated this, when he said he was 50 years old)
Mr. Wolfshiem appreciated that he was invited to lunch and he also made it known that he didn't really care to impose on Gatsby's chat with Nick about their discussion
Whenever you do something that you really like, you only focus on that, regardless of the amount of energy you are spending on it or the time you have been dedicated to that activity. This principle applies to a job. This is why one should always pick a job that is related to something he or she really enjoys to do.
Society imposes rules since you are born. You need to educate yourself from a very young age, follow a school system during the first 18 years of your life and finally go through college in order to get a profession. Certain factors such as money and prestige end to distract one's focus on the things that really matter. Which is enjoying life and trying to serve others by doing what you like most. The earlier you come to realize this, the best chance you'll get to engage in activities that fulfill your purpose in life. This is why people get jobs or engage in activities that are not as profitable as others.
This way one should focus only on his or herself instead of thinking about pleasing others or looking better for society.