IRB system is an acronym and it stands for Institutional review Board
The institutional review Board is a body of minimum of five members and they are being established as a body or say a committee which is for the regulation and also saddled with the responsibility of reviewing activities related to how research are being done. The institutional review Board are also set up to protect and approve researches being done in a particular subject.
The difference is that Justification is a social Defense and a Excuse Defense is a mental disorder or something physical wrong with them
Excuse defence is when the defendant admits to committing a criminal act but believes that he or she cannot be held responsible because there was no criminal intent. Excuse defences that are used in courts today are; Age, Mental Disorder, Automatism, Mistake of Fact and Mistake of Law.
Justification is a defense in a criminal case, by which a defendant who committed the crime as defined, claims they did no wrong, because committing the crime advanced some social interest or vindicated a right of such importance that it outweighs the wrongfulness of the crime.
The above statement is false
The antidiscrimination law of the state are written and it contains the fact that employers that are not subject under federal status and always increase their commitment as well as their legal answerability.
Because it plays an essential role in ensuring that each branch of the government recognizes the limit of it's own power