The amendment becomes part of the constitution.
After congress has approved a proposed amendment to the constitution, then the amendment becomes part of the constitution: an amendment becomes part of the constitution after it is proposed by two-thirds of the House of Representatives and Senate, and ratified by three-quarters of the States (which is 38 of the 50 States in USA).
You can clearly see that a firefighter needs to be physically strong, flexible and have muscular endurance to work effectively. Fitness is also important to combat fatigue. In a 15 hour night shift, a firefighter may attend numerous fires through the night, so needs to be able to cope with tiredness on a regular basis.
“Rational choice” theory assumes that delinquents are constantly acquiring and analyzing information, with their “rational” analysis leading them to the conclusion that crime is a lucrative enterprise where the benefits outweigh the risks.
Explanation: Rational choice theory can apply to a variety of areas, including economics, psychology and philosophy. This theory states that individuals use their self-interests to make choices that will provide them with the greatest benefit. People weigh their options and make the choice they think will serve them best.
<u>The Establishment Clause prevents the U.S. from creating a state or national religion</u>, from favoring one religion over another, or entangling the government with religion. The Free Exercise Clause gives all Americans the right to practice their religion freely, without interference or persecution by the government.
Another way that media coverage changes the way that judges and juries act in the legal system, is by giving them extra information into the case, or the clients behind the case. ... This means that from the moment a juror enters the courtroom, they're already biased in the way they make decisions regarding the case.