My parents and them?????*
C. Information found in charts, graphs, and videos can be used in your argument.
He mentions that America wrote a bad check for freedom to African Americans, but he states that he “refuses to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.” He also states, “We’ve come to cash this check… of freedom and security of justice.”
Let's just walk through each option.
Option 1: He says that he chooses “to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation,” so it shows that he has given up hope. - This is simply not true. MLK has not given up hope. In fact, he has hope that people listening to this speech will help to create change and allow all people of all backgrounds to have equal opportunities.
Option 2: He states, “so we’ve come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches” of the nation for everyone. This proves that he wants government money to be equally shared. - This is also a completely wrong interpretation of the text. The check is symbolic of a promise America made to African Americans. It really has nothing to do with actual currency being handed over.
Option 3: MLK explains that America should give African Americans “a bad check, a check that has come back marked ‘insufficient funds.’” - This is also incorrect. He doesn't want America to give African Americans anything bad. This includes a bad check, or promise.
Option 4: He mentions that America wrote a bad check for freedom to African Americans, but he states that he “refuses to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.” He also states, “We’ve come to cash this check… of freedom and security of justice.” - This one is correct. He is saying that America has not lived up to their promises of equality, but hope is not lost. America can still bring about justice and change to make sure that everyone has equal opportunities no matter their race.
Answer: I think it's because they get so addicted to their lives that they wanna be apart of everything that happens and want to know everything