Hello. You forgot to enter the answer options. The options are:
the realization that the world knew about the horrors of the Holocaust but said nothing
the understanding that neutrality always supports the victim, not the oppressor a desire to encourage people to become activists to
eliminate injustice
a desire to teach people to appreciate each moment of the freedom they have
the realization that the world knew about the horrors of the Holocaust but said nothing
Wiesel decided to reinforce the idea that the torture and extermination of the Jews during the holocaust was not something kept secret, something that the world did not know was happening. On the contrary, the whole world knew about the inhuman treatment that the Jews were suffering in the holocaust, but they said nothing about it, they kept silent, as a way of supporting the suffering of others.
- Harvard university professor
<span>the need for all Christians to have access to salvation</span>
4. assonance: The fated date went late.
6. consonance The cat sat hit the mat.
7. cacophony: The word cacophony is actually a great example of cacophony.
1. alliteration: Any tongue twister is an example. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
2. repetition: Bells, bells, bells, bells, bells, bells
3. onomatopoeia Ex. crack, boom, whisper
5. euphony: The mellow bells whisper in the evening.