The South reacted to the election of Abraham Lincoln by eventually seceding from the Union. This, of course, prefigured the Civil War
There are numerous differences between a dictatorship and a democracy. One difference is that in a dictatorship the leader has absolute authority while in a democracy the power of government is left up to the people. Another difference is that in a dictatorship leaders are very oppressive towards their citizens. If the citizens are unhappy with government and stand up against it then they are met with force. In a democracy, if the people are unhappy with their leaders they will replace the leader with a new one. A final example is that democratic government systems place checks on leaders to limit their power. In a dictatorship, there are no checks against the government. The dictator has unlimited power.
The best answer is Mrs. Crater claims that she would not give her daughter away for anything, when in fact she gives her away for nothing at all.
If you talk about the irony of a situation, you mean that it is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast. So when Mr. Crater says <em>"I wouldn’t give her up for nothing on earth"</em>, she doesn't mean it because she even pays Mr. Shiftlet to marry her daughter.
The other answers does not demonstrate the true irony of the excerpt:
- Mrs. Crater asserts that Lucynell can sweep, cook, feed the chickens, and h o. but the girl also is very smart: This can be considered ironic but it is not the irony of the whole excerpt.
- Mrs. Crater is describing all of her daughter’s strengths to Mr. Shiftlet in the hopes that he will marry Lucynell: This is not an irony.
- Crater says she values her daughter more than anything in the world, but then she gives her away for a car: This is not true.
The integration of the Little Rock Nine contributed to the Brown v. The Board of Education Law
This law established that racial segregation in schools is unconstitutional and that all students should be otherwise treated equally.
Hope this helps :)