Many people opposed FDR's court packing plan. Many people saw his move as a threat to the principle of separation of powers. People also accused the president of packing the court with people who supported his view. This completely made people not like this even more then they had before, although some people still did approve of FDR's packing plan. Eventually Roosevelt withdrew his plan after fighting for it for a long time, but he gave up.
During the Holocaust, millions of Jews were put in concentration camps. This resulted in millions of deaths. After Nazi Germany was defeated by the Allied forces in 1945, the Jews who lived through the atrocities wanted a safe place to live. The British Mandate of Palestine was a strip of land in the middle east that Jewish people considered their "homeland." The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine declared that the British Mandate of Palestine would would be split into two new countries: Israel and Palestine. The Partition Plan passed through the United Nations. Israel declared independence soon after.
It was important because it made you learn about how things change in History.
Depending on the culture and that's how they view women's rights. That's where the balance comes in.
The three indigenous resistant movement that tried to resist Europe in 1450 to 1750 are
Pueblo Rebellion, North America
The Powhatan Indian confederacy, United States of America
Pueblo Rebellion, in North America resisted colonization from Spain. The Rebellion happen on August 11, 1680. The pueblo Rebellion is also known as Popé's Rebellion. The Rebellion happen in the present day region called New Mexico.
The Pueblo Revolt killed 400 Spaniards and drove the remaining 2,000 settlers out of the there Land. The Rebellion was lead by Popé or Po'pay who was a Tewa religious leader from Ohkay Owingeh.
The Powhatan Indian confederacy rebellion was a major conflict between the settlers of the Virginia Colony and Algonquin Indians of the Powhatan Confederacy in the early seventeenth century. The war was faught three times