When writing about a single memorable day in your life you need to consider important facts to mention and remarkable moments. For example: a special birthday celebration, a graduation day, a special visit, etc.
Then you need the setting, day, weather and write about why it was so special for you.
You must remember to describe clearly what happened why is it funny or not and to show why you want to write about it.
Finally in your conclusion you can add some anecdote that makes it a remarkable and unforgettable day and what you liked the most of it.
B. he fitted it. that means he put it there making sure it was all lined up carefully
i didnt make any prediction
In his letter to President Eisenhower dated back to May 13, 1958, Jackie Robinson addressed the issue regarding black civil rights. He expressed his frustrations on Eisenhower's lack of support for upholding black civil rights at that time and he moved to fight for Federal support on these rights.