Qualities I Admire In Others
you spelled the words wrong
In the Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’, When odyssey blind Polyphemus his objectives are made clear when Polyphemus next morning let his sheep go for graze. In addition, it adds a humorous and clever twist when odyssey lies about his name as 'Nobody' to rescue Polyphemus. Whereas, odyssey displays himself as cunning and proud when he reveals himself.
Odysseus proudly shouts his name while leaving cyclops's territory. He shouts his name loudly to torment cyclops which causes problems for him further.
Hence, anger and pride motivate Odysseus to reveal his name and men in more danger.
Mary hears a story... she has not been seen in over 10 years. She lets her cousin know there is a secret garden. He wants to live forever then...
They were different in many ways. Shahjahan reign was very peaceful. He did not fight many wars hence he was more focused on building monuments etc. Shahjahan was not very religious. He was very secular King. He liked grandeur and had a lavish lifestyle
Aurangzeb was very religious and led a very simple life. Aurangzeb did not like to live a grand life and his personal expenses were borne by selling Quran written by him. Aurangzeb was always fighting some war or the other and as a result, he had a vast Kingdom much larger than he had inherited from Shahjahan,
Even in his death, Aurangzeb preferred to be buried in a simple grave and not build a huge Mausoleum like Taj Mahal preferred by his father