Tan enjoys thinking about language and using different forms of English.
In the passage above, the writer, Tan, confesses she is fascinated by the English language and she spends a great deal of time pondering the qualities and the potential that the language possesses; but not only that, she also makes an argument about the fact that the English language is not a monolith, but in fact, it is diverse and has many registers, and they can all be used, so much so that, in her trade, she makes use of them all.
You can be like I have a lot of homework to do and I need to study for a test tomorrow and so you wouldn’t have time or you are busy
D. Academic integrity is the best answer for the question Which of the following would not be a section on a college application?
Academic integrity is generally not present in a college application.
According to gogle it is a soft, chewy confection made with sugar and gelatin.