His neighbor is out of town for nine days and he gets paid for these things every day so you would put the nine outside of the parentheses. You put seven plus two inside the parentheses because he is paid the sum of these numbers every day his neighbor is gone.
What language is that ? Free pouts ? Thank you
Answer: Containment
Explanation: The strategy of "containment" is best known as a Cold War foreign policy of the United States and its allies to prevent the spread of communism after the end of World War II
<span>Denis Kearney (1847–1907) was a California labor leader of the late 19th century who was known for his nativist and racist views about Chinese immigrants.</span><span>He didn't support immigration. </span>
Answer: George W. Young who was likely a slaveholder
The text presented is an advertisement that offers a reward to capture Sophia Gordon. About this woman, it is explained she is a runaway (term to refer to slaves that scaped), and also, she is "copper color", which confirms she is a black woman who likely scaped from her slaveholder. Moreover, at the end of the document, the author explains "I will give the above reward", which shows the author of this document is the slaveholder looking for Sophia. Additionally, the name George W. Young was added at the end, which is likely is the name of the slaveholder. According to this, the person who placed the advertisement is the slaveholder George W. Young