Simple interest is basically the cost of borrowing money over a period of time. So if you have borrowed $110.00 at 5% for two years, you will multiply the 5% by the two years (presuming that it is 5% annual percentage rate (APR). So, You will multiply the 110 by 10% (or .1) to get $11 dollars of simple interest.
It is best represented by a plane.
D 26
Step-by-step explanation:
52 divided by 2
18 miles
Step-by-step explanation:
Find how many miles he walked this week by multiplying 2 by 6:
= 12
Add this to 6, since he walked 6 miles last week:
12 + 6
= 18
So, in all, he will have walked 18 miles
-4 because -16-4=-4. Negative and a positive make a negative