the Holocaust : the killing of millions of Jews and other people by the Nazis during World War II
: an event or situation in which many people are killed and many things are destroyed especially by fire
Genocide: the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group
Agenda: list of things to be considered or done
Scapegoat:a person who is unfairly blamed for something that others have done
Quota:an official limit on the number or amount of people or things that are allowed
Harass: <span>to annoy or bother (someone) in a constant or repeated way</span>
Is Washington DC a state, How many islands are in Hawaii, which is bigger, Texas or Alaska? Hope these help
A specie must adapt to its environment in order for it to live longer
common knowledge
it's common knowledge because there's no words from the fr the speech, there no quotation and there's nothing about the speech, so it's not direct quotation, plagiarism or summary, so the most obvious is common knowledge
Letter B is the answer for this question