<span>Oral telling happens in the moment, and whatever language skills a teller has, the precise words can only be spoken once, without revision. </span> In Litterary Telling the Language use is diffrent , it may use slang .
Don't forget
there is always somebody or something
waiting for you,
something stronger, more intelligent,
more evil, more kind, more durable,
something bigger, something better,
something worse, something with
eyes like the tiger, jaws like the shark,
something crazier than crazy,
saner than sane,
there is always something or somebody
waiting for you
as you put on your shoes
or as you sleep
or as you empty a garbage can
or pet your cat
or brush your teeth
or celebrate a holiday
there is always somebody or something
waiting for you.
keep this fully in mind
so that when it happens
you will be as ready as possible.
meanwhile, a good day to
if you are still there.
I think that I am---
I just burnt my fingers on
Are still loaded with meaning.
It's like listening to a conversation, you can fully understand what the people are saying. If you have issues like this in the future, close your eyes and imagine yourself listening in on the conversation and see for yourself if you can understand it or not without context.
Date your entries. Diaries are commonly written to be kept for a long period of time so, noting down the dates would help you to find your entries in future.
Use "Dear diary" formula. ...
Choose a topic. ...
Be sincere. ...
Ask yourself questions. ...
Add photos & audio. ...
Make it a self-care habit.