The main idea of the article is that even after so many years, the crimes committed against the Jews during the Holocaust deserve to get their justice, no matter how many years have passed. And in that thought process, the former staffs of the camps were brought to court to be tried.
Associated Press' article "Ex-Auschwitz guard on trial in late push to punish Nazi war crimes" in the February 10, 2016, edition in of the New York Post reports the <em>"11th-hour push" </em>by the German prosecutors to punish the wrongs done against the Jews. The case of discrimination against the Jews during the Holocaust which became one of the biggest genocide in the history of the world.
The article reports how the <u>trial of former SS guard, 94- year old Reinhold Hanning</u> was brought on trial for being a participant during the Jewish genocide under the Nazi rule. The main idea of the article seems to be that <em>"simply helping the camp to function was sufficient to make one an accessory to the murders committed there."</em> This is the reason why former staffs of any concentration camps where thousands of Jews were killed were put on trial so that the victims and their families can have closure.
Correct answer is a: Europeans arrived in the America
A is the correct answer as in 1492 Christopher Columbo with his three ships arrived in the New World. From that period on Europeans started colonizing this area, which forever changed the history of this area. Some Native tribes even disappeared due to this fact.
All other answers are false, as they are not based on historical facts.
Pharaoh is the supreme ruler of Egypt and a approved position for the sovereign place of power.
operant conditioning; classical conditioning
A learned association between a response and a stimulus is to operant conditioning as a learned association between two stimuli is to classical conditioning(is learning through association whereby a conditioned stimulus becomes associated with an unrelated unconditioned stimulus in order to produce a behavioral response known as a conditioned response )