Multiply 2/3 by 84 which is 56.
Turn 45% into a decimal. You get 0.45, because you move the decimal two places to the left.
Then multiply 300*0.45
You get 135
135 Shoppers in the supermarket bought milk.
true 7x+5y=9
Step-by-step explanation:
hope it helps you see the attachment for further information
The sample % of these two populations would be 100/size (of student body at each school) x 100 so this would compare the two student bodies preferences for the particular type of candy bar. However, the actual % of the whole student body at each school would be a factor also. If the high school only had 200 students then this would be 50% representative but if the middle school had say 500 students this would only be 20% representative so this would have to be taken into account too. It might be more representative to have the same % of the student bodies respectively for the sample.