A sentence fragment is a group of words used as a sentence that lacks a crucial element that makes it an incomplete thought
A comma splice on the other hand is a mistake when two independent clauses are spliced together with only a comma.
Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry is a novel about the life of a girl named Cassie Logan, and her family. In this book, it is apparent how much the family is affected simply by the color of their skin. The family lives in rural Mississippi, and the book is set in 1933. They go through a series of strenuous events, involving things such as racism, poverty, and how family is the most important factor in trying times.
A, maybe? Modern Gothic Lit. included Dracula, Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, etc. Not too sure about modern gothic literature, but for most old stuff it was about the main characters being "monsters", but it mostly focused on character development, good or bad. Example: Jekyll turning from calm and collected to impulsively doing anything and everything to get rid of Hyde.