In Rome’s legislative branch, plebeians served in the Assemblies while the Senate’s members were "patricians". This word meant "father" and they were given far more responsibility than the plebeians.
The positives were that you actually had a home and the negative was that you had a part of the military. another positive was that you had to chance to cultivate the downside was that you had to give a set amount of your harvested crops to your duke/duchess or whoever owns said land. I hope this will give you some pros and cons to feudalism
Delivery of war supplies and delegating certain space for commercial uses.
The atl atl or more commonly referred to as a spear-thrower is a tool used to increase velocity in dart throwing. Scientists found distinctive chips and fractures on spear points that matched with spears pitched at a great distance. The atl atl enabled the pre historic man to hunt for megafuna.
Dhdiycyo fyo fuo yo you fuo fyo fou pu j giys it’s fho fipfiyd itsa