It was necessary to stop the Nazis being able to gain the deuterium oxide from hard water which could be used to create Nuclear weapons. I agree, as from what we seen how fast and destructive the force was against Japan. If the Nazis gained these weapons Britian would have defenitly been destroyed as well as Russia, meaning the only threat would be America who would be out numberd by a lot.
90% is the percent of Jews.
Mummification is an old-fashioned method of preparing a dead body so that it doesn't decay. Mummification was commonly used in ancient Egypt, not so much these days.
The contract had promised to bring to floor debate and votes 10 bills that would implement major reform of the federal government. When the 104th Congress assembled in January 1995, the Republican majority sought to implement the Contract. ... Most of the bills died in the Senate, except as noted below.
I’m just answering my first question everyone