The theory of evolution by Charles Darwin was sparked by his travels in South America especially but also was supported by his o
bservations of plants and animals in England when he was writing his book. On aspect of evolution is the natural variety of types within a species, some of which are more adapted to the environment than others.
Evolution refers to the change in the structure of an organism with the passage of million of years.
Evolution is the change in the structure of an organism with the passage of million of years. Evolution occurs due to two reasons, first from genetically while the other from adaptation to the environmental conditions. In genetically, the change in structure of animal comes from their parents whereas changes occurs due to adaptation of an organism in order to survive in the harsh climatic condition of the environment.
Root anchor them in the ground and absorb water for the plant. Woody stem provides support to the plant and connect the roots and leaves. Leaves capture the sun's energy and use it to make food through the process of photosynthesis. Flowers contain the reproductive parts of the plant. fruite protect and help spread the seeds.
I think buffers prevents small amounts of acids and blood from coming and changing the pH of the body, because the buffers are barriers that do not let blood and acid pass through.