To compare fractions , you need to have same denominator.
Just multiply the Numerator and denominator of the fraction by required number so as to get the common denominator.
for example, In this case , the common denominator is 12.
the first fraction is converted as shown, 5/3=5*4/3*4=20/12
similarly, you can convert others.
Once you have common denominator, just compare numerators.
Discount = $10
Sales Price = $30
Step-by-step explanation:
= 25% of marked price
= 25% x $40
= (25/100) x 40
= $10
Sales price = Marked price - Discount = $40 - $10 = $30
The mixtures are not proportional.
3 fluid ounces of vinegar has to be added in the second mixture to make it proportional to the first mixture.
its =3
Step-by-step explanation:
The one mixture contains 6 fluid ounces and 10 fluid ounces of water and vinegar respectively.
Therefore, the ratio of water to vinegar in the first mixture is 6 : 10 = 3 : 5
Now, a second mixture contains 9 fluid ounces of water and 12 fluid ounces of vinegar.
Hence, the ratio of water to vinegar in the second mixture is 9 : 12 = 3 : 4
Therefore, the mixtures are not proportional.
Therefore, we have to add x fluid ounces of vinegar to the second mixture to make it in the ratio of 3 : 5.
⇒ 12 + x = 15
⇒ x = 3 fluid ounces.
Therefore, 3 fluid ounces of vinegar has to be added in the second mixture to make it proportional to the first mixture. (Answer
Answer: R(x) = 0.25x + 500
Flat fee is computed by:
The sales price of each tile is 0.25 and the customer only bought 10,000 tiles.
So, $0.25 x 10,000 = $2500
So the total sales price per tile sold was $2,500.
The buyer paid $3,000, so the flat fee was included there.
So, $3,000 - $2,500 = $500
So the flat fee was $500.
The revenue function is the total income from producing the units. And it has a equation of: R(x) = price per unit x number of units sold plus any fee that is included
So the function describing the revenue of the tile from this sale is:
R(x) = 0.25x + 500
the difference of MA is theres only A
the difference is the order
yes AB can be written as BA