Answer: The palpating heart race response is due to the sympathetic nervous system controlling the body's fight-or-flight reactions.
The sympathetic nervous system is in charged of controlling the body's fight-or-flight reactions. When facing a threat, these responses defaultly prepare our body to flee from danger or face the threat head-on.
Many of the physiological responses you experience during times of emotional streaming, such as sweaty palms or a racing heartbeat, are regulated by the sympathetic nervous system, a branching of the autonomic nervous system.
They should not it is as simple as that however this is an opion based question.
Why your born with what your born with and changing that is not being true to yourself. Also whats the point
The two major parts of Photosynthesis are the Calvin cycle and the light dependent reaction.
No,they kill all ages for ex.A pack of lions went hunting leaving their cubs behind and a pack of hyenas come and they are hungry they will eat the food that they can
The layer of the sun can only be seen during a solar eclipse is corona