Agricultural interest groups represent the economic interests of farmers. These interests include business and agricultural extension concerns, as well as matters of local, national, and even international policy. These include crop prices, land-use zoning, government subsidies, and international trade agreements.
The name of the plan for government the pilgrims created before leaving the Mayflower in the New World was referred to as the Mayflower Compact, and was one of the first written documents of its kind in North America.
<h2>North</h2><h3> Strength </h3>
- The North had an enormous industrial advantage
- the North manufactured 97 percent of the country's firearms
- . They did not know the land the other side were fighting on the defensive in its own territory and were familiar with the landscape
- At the beginning of the war, the Confederacy had only one-ninth the industrial capacity of the Union.
- There was not even one rifle works in the entire South
<h3> Strength</h3>
- The South could produce all the food it needed
- The South also had a great nucleus of TRAINED OFFICERS. Seven of the eight military colleges in the country were in the South.
C. Boats could move more quickly from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great lakes.
Answer: is best known for conquering the Aztecs and claiming Mexico on behalf of Spain. ... Cortés ignored the order and traveled to Mexico anyway, setting his sights on overthrowing ruler Montezuma II in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.