Using the first person point of view tells the story for the perspective of someone who is experiencing everything. It uses words like "I" and "me." It shows what they're feeling, saying, and thinking
Crybaby, Pacify her, show and tell, k-12, teachers pet , mad hatter , mrs, potato head that’s all i can name for now i was a big fan of hers a long time ago lmshsjd
Anne describes herself early in the diary as somewhat superficial. She says that she has few true friends because she cannot bring herself to talk about serious things with any of them. This, in fact, is why she says she's keeping the diary. She acknowledges that she sometimes talks too much, recording early in the diary that she had to do a writing assignment on being a "chatterbox."
an emotional reward
When Rosie went through a hard breakup, Jackie provided comfort and empathy to help Rosie during her tough time, which is a type of emotional reward. In that respect, considering Jackie's amusing personality, her support was a psychological and spiritual one, such as listening to, relieving and encouraging Rosie, as well as reducing her misery.
In 1906. President Theodore Roosevelt named Devils Tower, in Wyoming the first National Moument.