The poet Ampleforth is the character who was surprisingly thrown in the cell with Winston, the main character.
The surprise isn't really that the poet was jailed, but that he ended up in the same cell as Winston, after all, he had been slipping forbiden words into his poem's "translations" before, a very punishable offense.
In this one, the subject of world war II and the history teacher have nothing to do with whether or not he likes salads.
It breaks the iambic rhythm on the first two syllables, setting the demanding tone of the line.
Just did the assignment and it was right. :)
Because they are most likely to be more hurt and can’t handle pain well
If your personifying the object, I would mention how lonely it was whatever the object was because it never got used and if it did it was rare. I said it was dark and that the object was used to the dark so when it saw light it was very happy because it was so rare.