The relationship between stink bugs and the small wasps according to the illustration <u>is not a symbiosis one</u>. Rather, it can be considered parasitism because the small wasps benefit while the stink bug is negatively affected.
<em>In symbiotic relationships, both organisms benefit while in relationships that are parasitic, the parasite benefits while the host is negatively affected.</em>
When the small wasps lay their eggs inside stink bug's eggs, they destroy the eggs of the stink bugs to their own advantage. Hence, the stink bug can be considered the host while the small wasps are considered the parasite.
The object that has the same shape as a DNA molecule is ladder.
B) is the correct answer. The flu virus does not have the same genetic makeup each year as with each individual it infects its rapidly mutating.
TRUE- The Lord said to the serpent “because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals.”