Risking her life for the sake of her young.
There is more than one poem called "Courage" by Robert Service
Another is about the courage of an apple blossom daring to bloom in the November chill and what it might experience then instead of its more normal ilk in April.
Macbeth has elements in it, like the dark rise of power and ambitions that tend to go over the edge, that relates with many modern-day situations.
The author of 'The Fun They Had' believe that technology will make people isolated and the use of mechanical teachers for teaching will deprive children from experiencing the real fun of teaching.
'The Fun They Had' is a science fiction story with a good message which is authored by Issac Asimov. The story is set in 2157. Margie and tommy are the central characters of the story where Margie's teacher is not any person but a robot.
Margie teacher is a mechanical teacher and the teaching uses to take place in Margie's home itself. But Margie dislike her mechanical teacher and she loved the idea of having taught by a human teacher. She wondered how fun it would have been back then going to school.
The author with the help of Margie's example is trying to express his view against the using the robot teachers. He says that technology is making people more and more separated.
Macbeth is presented as an honorable, courageous soldier, who valiantly fights for King Duncan. Only after meeting with the Three Witches does Macbeth's ambitious nature begin to develop. Despite his ambitious feelings, Macbeth is still a loyal soldier and is ashamed to admit his thoughts about murdering the king. Macbeth recognizes that his violent thoughts are terrible and treacherous. After Macbeth initially refuses to harm King Duncan, it is Lady Macbeth who coerces her husband into committing regicide.