Unconscious information processing
When an unconscious prototype occurs, it occurs due to automatic processing in the brain. It occurs without any initiation from the side of the intention. It occurs automatically. The theory of automatically occur independently. Many tasks are cue dependent and others are context-dependent. So in many tasks, we are not aware of the environment and automatically we completed tasks. For example, riding a bicycle, driving a car, these are the example of automatic unconscious information processing.
Thus normally sighted people who were disabled in seeing due to magnetic stimulation. These people never feel a sense of emotions expressed on the face. It illustrates the best capacity of unconscious information processing.
individually governed city states
The Acquiantance is the one at fault in the issue not the attorney in the deceased case(estate)
Explanation: The attorney advised the acquaintance that the attorney did not have experience and was too busy to do the work necessary to become competent. The attorney offered to refer acquaintance to another lawyer who regularly practiced in the field and advised the acquaintance that he should see another lawyer promptly because there might be deadlines he should follow as the executor. The acquaintance did not contact another lawyer until eight months after meeting with the attorney. So the attorney is not subject to any civil liability.