That is "True".
According to kübler-ross there are five phases, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, these are a piece of the system that makes up our figuring out how to live with the one we lost. They are instruments to enable us to outline and recognize what we might feel. In any case, they are not stops on some linear course of events in sadness.
The author wants to provide a factual description of North Dakota.
1. Total Lunar
2. Full Moon
3. Earth is in between the sun and moon
my own metaphors is " African men are irons"
This simply means that African men are strong.
But when someone gives a literal meaning to the sentence, the person may think that African men are made of irons, instead of human flesh, or that African men are very rigid and heavy. Such person may also assume a robot made of iron, to be an African man.
To understand this, the person has to give it a critical thinking, in these way;
•for anything to be called a man, that means it should be a living human.
• Iron are strong metals, that are very difficult to break.
• Therefore for an African man to be an iron, that means an African man will be very difficult to break, which simply means that African men are strong.
They felt upset about it because they were being taxed to much.