Conditioned stimulus
In the classical conditioned, these terms such as condition stimulus, UCS, CS, NS, etc are being used to modify the behavior of a person, animal, etc. The conditioned stimulus is neutral before as a conditioned stimulus. Ivan Pavlov was the first psychologist who has been used classical conditioning in which a person used CS, UCS, UCR, and CR.
Thus here in the above statement, the person eats a hamburger. Before used it, it was a neutral stimulus but after using it, it becomes a conditioned stimulus.
False, the unknown should not frighten the master student.
Banks make money by; A) charging interest
- Banks make their money through charging interest on the money they loan out.
- Banks get the money they loan out from the deposits their customers make and also from loans from other banks.
- It is this money that they then trade out in different ways including loaning for interests in order to make profit.
- Other that interests from loans, banks also get money through investing their capital in assets that generate revenue, one such asset is; investing in real estate.
A critical period exists for normal perceptual development
Perceptual development is related to the development of the five senses in human beings.
These are the five senses that develop in human beings. These senses are very important to us. These senses help the person in smell, taste the things, to watch and to hear the sounds. There is a critical period that exists in the development of perceptual sense in human beings s well as in kittens.
Calvin's professor can conclude that Calvin has been an observational kid.
The observation Calvin makes is a rather arbitrary one but one that can invite broader concern nonetheless.
Some kids start bobbing their heads and raising them before they can ever turn while the other develop these skills in the opposite order.
It would remain to be seen if Calvin would think something can be inferred from this otherwise rather standalone observation of things or not as there may be a study on how far this can be taken in child psychology.
At any rate, he is an observational student and the professor can put that to use.