Starting from top down:
No power to tax - Congress could not pay for a military or other things to benefit the common good
No power to regulate trade - States might trade unfairly with each other or with other nations.
No executive branch - States felt free to ignore laws the didn't like
No national court system - No one could interpret the laws or settle disputes between the states.
No chief executive - There was no prominent leader to represent the nation and act decisively.
Difficult to amend - It was almost impossible to change the government for the better.
Only one branch of government - There was no separation of powers,, and no checks and balances.
They would offer them power and riches if they agreed to join peacefully.
The nanjing massacre was the reason for increased tension between japan and the U.S.
Answer: Instead of celebrating our individual cultures on Heritage Day, we have embraced the theme of unity to emphasise how as South Africa, we are stronger together. Heritage Day provides the perfect opportunity for us to recognise what unites us rather than what divides us
Germany ended up with nothing but what it started with and everyone went back to their lives