<span>species A might branch into two or more species</span>
<span>A sustainable system refers to producing less or probably non-existent debris that are caused by the production of a particular material (i.e. produce, energy). This is a sustainable form of production of coupling algae growth and fish farming because you no longer need the supply of fish feed from other sources that are made artificially but rather, you are using the available algae growth that you are culturing. Farm fishing alone is non-renewable because this produces much waste that can directly harm the environment.<span>
The deer eat grass. Its droppings, which eventually decompose into the ground, provide minerals and vitamins to the plant roots. This food is vital for it so the plant remains alive and can produce oxygen which is essential for the deer and grass is also a food source for him too.
the process which includes as growth, differentiation, respiration, digestion, and excretion during their life time is life process.